
Caddyfile for MediaWiki 07 Sep 2024, 15:36

I was trying to run a MediaWiki instance on my dummy server and wanted to serve it using the Caddy this time. Apache and Nginx configurations are fairly straightforward and easy to find, but Caddy -since it’s fairly new- could be difficult if you are trying to do some non-standard stuff. As I have successfully executed it with the desired configuration, I wanted to document my observations.

Configuration has two parts, one being the standard Caddyfile which I really like to work with, and the other one being LocalSettings.php, which is the default setup file for MediaWiki instances.

Serving a PHP application through Caddy is straightforward, but I wanted to configure my installation with the so-called ShortURLs. This requires some setup in the Caddyfile:


    @title {
        not file {
            try_files {path} {path}/
            split_path .php
        path_regexp title ^/(.*)$
    rewrite @title /index.php?title={re.title.1}&{query}
    root * /var/www/html/mw #this might be mediawiki for you
    php_fastcgi unix//var/run/php/php-fpm.sock # serving php applications

This configuration redirects the ugly MediaWiki URLs to a more structured /wiki/Main_page type. Further explanations are here.

After that you need to edit the LocalSettings.php too:


$wgScriptPath = "";
$wgArticlePath = "/wiki/$1"; #for redirecting to /wiki/
$wgUsePathInfo = true;

Reload the Caddy config:


caddy reload --config /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
