Last Updated: 01 Dec 2024 is my personal website, simultaneously serving as an experimental tool on web design. I'm building in public and the entire codebase is hosted at Github/°
It is built with Astro and mostly static, although there are some client-side Javascript for interactivity. There are no ads and I don't plan to implement any ads in the future. I may implement an open source analytics just to see if people read my articles, but that will be the only thing in terms of analytics. If I do, I will not use Google or some big-corp privacy-invasive shit that sets cookies or collects data. Blogging should be free of that kind of non-sense.
Typeface I am using for body is JetBrains Mono°.
Design changes all the time, so next time you are here, you might see some differences. General article layout consists of 2 columns, second column being reserved for the sidenotes. I have my own modifications on top of it, but the base is Tufte-CSS°.
For some icons I use the Phosphor Icons°.